Tag: Baking

The Weeknight Gourmet's 100th Post!

The Weeknight Gourmet's 100th Post!

I started this cooking blog one night in late January and really wasn’t sure how it would be received or if I’d enjoy writing it. I have been pleasantly surprised by the positive reception from my readers and how much I enjoy communicating my culinary 

Weeknight Favorites

Weeknight Favorites

I’ve decided to create a new area of the blog devoted to products, gadgets, and other cooking-related things I like and think you might want to try!  Click here to check it out!

The Bunny Cake

The Bunny Cake

My dad created two confectionery traditions in our house — the Super Bowl Cake which I already wrote about and the Bunny Cake.  Now that there is a little Jewell around – my adorable niece Rebecca – my brother John and sister-in-law Rachel decided that