Tag: Skinnytaste

Macaroni & Cheese Soup with Broccoli

Macaroni & Cheese Soup with Broccoli

Charlotte declared this the best soup I’ve ever made! Her high praise might make up for some of those times I made a dish I thought she’d love and she really didn’t like it. There’s not much to describe other than it is basically mac 

Soup Days: Turkey Meatball Spinach Tortellini Soup

Soup Days: Turkey Meatball Spinach Tortellini Soup

Here’s a hearty, healthy, crowd-pleasing soup for a winter night. Turkey meatballs, tortellini, and a delicious broth — who wouldn’t love this! If you have a Parmigiano-Reggiano rind, USE IT! As with any soup, the rind gives an amazing flavor and richness to the broth. 

Colombian Carne Bistec

Colombian Carne Bistec

We travel from the Korean Peninsula the other night to South America with last night’s Colombian steak recipe from Skinnytaste. I’ve made a ton of recipes from Skinnytaste over the past year. In general, they are quite easy, quick, and on the healthier side without